From Agri-BIZ to Agri-FIN to Agri-FIN-TECH
Over 20 years of refining the business model to meet the evolving needs of farmers.
- Establishment of silage and grain trade operations
- Investment in the development of vegetable oil brands, production and distribution
Pre-accession to the EU
Farmers are concerned about access to markets to market their produce. Silo infrastructure and grain trade use to supply oil mills with raw materials

Growth and transformation (2007-2017)

Exit from vegetable oil production
EU integration
Farmers are interested in access to advanced agricultural technologies, specialised financing and access to markets.
- Refining the group's corporate structure
- Refining the business model through digitisation
- Launching a new business line to develop digital farming technologies for farmers
Confirmation of a privileged position within the EU and on world markets
For farmers it becomes a necessity to implement digital farming solutions to maintain their competitive advantage and to meet legislative requirements on environmental protection, sustainable farming.