Why you should choose Agricover Distribution - Premium agricultural inputs, dedicated consultancy and financing services

We are constantly striving to provide farmers with a portfolio of plant protection products that integrate the latest agricultural technologies to ensure high yields and cost efficiency per hectare.

We have long-standing partnerships with renowned technology manufacturers, companies with a track record and with years of investment in research. As a result, we have developed a robust portfolio of agricultural inputs that have performed and proven themselves over time, as well as innovative products and next generation technologies.

6 reasons why you should choose us

  1. We offer you a complex and competitive portfolio of agricultural inputs to ensure you get the best cost per hectare;
  2. You buy when you need and pay at harvest through Agricover Credit IFN financing;
  3. We provide you with a dedicated field representative in close contact with a consultant from the technical team;
  4. We have created the Agricover online shop so that you can easily and quickly purchase inputs for your farm whenever you need them;
  5. We offer loyalty programmes to reward your work - AgriPremium;
  6. You'll be part of a community of high-performing farmers - Our farmer partners work over 2.5 million hectares at the highest level of performance.

Agricover catalogues

Discover the latest agricultural solutions and technologies provided by Agricover specialists. You have access to the full range of catalogues of plant protection products in our portfolio.

Comprehensive and complete portfolio of products for plant protection, crop nutrition and biostimulants

We provide farmers with agricultural inputs for the main field crops as well as special crops such as potatoes, fruit and vineyards. We cover all plant treatment and nutrition needs from crop establishment to harvest, as well as all on-farm use.

Treatment schemes and recommended technologies

In demonstration plots set up both on partner farms and in collaboration with research and development centres, we test the efficacy of different recommended treatment schemes for our farmer partners. Agricover's technical team is in constant contact with farmers all over the country to provide them with relevant recommendations aimed at adding value and increasing productivity.

We work with some of the biggest companies in agriculture


We've been with farmers since the crop was established and offer a complete portfolio of certified seed, carefully constructed to give them security. So, by carefully selecting products that only come from partners we trust, we have developed a certified seed portfolio of over 1000 varieties and hybrids for the two seasons of the crop year.

The certified seed portfolio addresses the main agricultural crops: maize, sunflower, oilseed rape, cereals, soya, peas and forage crops.

We have top seed partners in our portfolio

Soil fertilizers

Agricover's portfolio of solid and liquid base fertilizers for farmers includes products from the world's leading manufacturers, as well as unique products on the market, specialized and balanced formulas, complex fertilizers with microelements.

Agricover provides both a complete range of fertilizers and optimized costs through strategic partnerships with leading fertilizer manufacturers. We also offer flexible purchasing and payment solutions so you can benefit from the technology you need to grow a successful crop.

We provide you with premium fertilizers from renowned companies


Diesel received on time and at the best price for the quantity ordered at the right time are two essential aspects in the smooth running of the farm. We know the importance of this agricultural input for the timely completion of technological work and we also know that this input has a major impact on the farm's cash flow.

This is why Agricover offers continuous support to its farming partners in managing the purchase of this input through a specialised team ready to provide the best information needed to make the purchase decision at any time, as well as the logistical management from the moment the order is placed until it is delivered to the farm.

Agricover has strong partnerships with the most important producers and is constantly looking for solutions to optimise logistics so that farmers can benefit from the best price for the quantity ordered. Fuel is delivered within 48 hours and payment can be made at harvest. To finance the purchase of diesel we offer farmers an innovative and synergistic product.  

We offer you quality diesel from premium suppliers

Agricover Premium Programme

We know how much hard work and challenges a farmer has to overcome over the course of a year, and that's why it's important to us that the rewards match the effort. 

Agricover Premium is the programme that succeeds in bringing additional benefits to farmers who choose to use the top products made available by Agricover.

Enter the programme and enjoy great rewards, chosen to offer unique experiences and gifts that make you feel truly special.

How can we help you? Write to us!

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Regional Distribution Manager


Regional Distribution Manager
Constanța, Tulcea
Regional Distribution Manager

Alexandru MELCESCU

Regional Distribution Manager
Buzău, Prahova, Dâmbovița
Regional Distribution Manager

Alexandru PANAITE

Regional Distribution Manager
Neamț, Bacău, Vaslui
Regional Distribution Manager

Andrei ANIȚA

Regional Distribution Manager
Botoșani, Suceava, Iași
Regional Distribution Manager


Regional Distribution Manager
Brașov, Sibiu, Covasna, Harghita, Mureș, Alba, Cluj, Bistriţa Năsăud
Regional Distribution Manager

Corneliu SANEA

Regional Distribution Manager
Arad, Hunedoara, Timiș, Caraș-Severin
Regional Distribution Manager


Regional Distribution Manager
Argeș, Teleorman, Vâlcea
Regional Distribution Manager


Regional Distribution Manager
Olt, Gorj, Dolj, Mehedinți
Regional Distribution Manager

Romică BUTEA

Regional Distribution Manager
Brăila, Galați, Vrancea
Regional Distribution Manager


Regional Distribution Manager
București, Ilfov, Ialomița
Distribution Regional Manager

Traian TRIF

Distribution Regional Manager
Bihor, Satu Mare, Sălaj, Maramureș
Regional Distribution Manager


Regional Distribution Manager
Călărași, Giurgiu