Șeptel Plus Credit
for beef farms

Through the Șeptel Plus Credit we offer financing for the purchase of heifers for breeding, calves for fattening or to cover other current expenses such as: purchase of feed, premixes, energy, fuel, building maintenance services, machinery repairs or other current expenses (salaries, veterinary or other services).

Capitalised interest.

Flexible guarantees.

With subsidiaries in major regions of the country and a mobile team of professionals, we reduce the time it takes to process credit files, so you have prompt access to the money you need for uninterrupted business activity.

To whom it is addressed

This product is addressed to farmers in the livestock sector who own beef cow farms.
Credit period

Maximum 60 months.

Reimbursement in two annual instalments, linked to the production cycle.
How to obtain Șeptel Plus Credit

Send a request to the Agricover Credit IFN representative in your region.

He will come to your farm to find the best financing solution together.

The credit file goes through a review and approval process.

The credit guarantee is linked to the possibility of developing the farm.