Stoc Smart Credit
for the opportunity to maximise the production

With the Stoc Smart Credit - a stock credit, you receive up to 80% of the market value of your wheat, oilseed rape, sunflower, maize or potato production stored in your own or third-party warehouses.

The money can be used according to the needs of your business, either for current expenses necessary for day-to-day activities or for investment in the development and modernisation of your farm.

Through our mobile team of experts, who ensure a national coverage, we offer you specialised advice to find together the best solutions for your farm development needs. This gives you access to funding in a flexible and non-bureaucratic way.

To whom it is addressed

This product can be accessed by both crop farmers (arable crops, potatoes, sugar beet, fruit, vineyards) and livestock farmers (dairy, beef and poultry farms).
Credit period

The loan is due on 31 May, the year following access to funding (n+1).

On sale of the stock, but no later than the due date of the credit agreement.
How to obtain the Stoc Smart Credit

If you have decided to keep the crop, contact your local Agricover representative.

From your farm you can discuss the optimal financing solution.

You get assistance in preparing your credit file.

After going through the review and approval process you get the funding you need.