Amino Start Biostimulator

free amino acids 10% + polysaccharides 10% + phosphorus 6% + potassium 2.5% + chelated trace elements: Fe, Mn, Zn


AMINO START is a product based on free amino acids of plant origin and polysaccharides, which are used to improve the vegetative growth of crops during the spring growing season.

It is recommended for application in the early stages of development in various crops (oilseed rape, cereals, sunflower, maize, oilseeds, pulses, etc.);

The product provides the necessary amount of substances needed to develop crops from the early stages of development to flowering;

It is compatible with most crop protection products.

Take advantage of the offer now and benefit from flexible financing solutions and fast delivery.

Technical features

The amino acid content makes AMINO START ideal for application in the early stages of development in oilseed rape, cereals, sunflower, maize, oilseeds, pulses and other crops.

Thanks to its content in macro- and micro-nutrients, the product provides the necessary amount of substances needed to develop crops from the early stages of development to flowering.

It is not compatible with products based on copper, sulphur, calcium and mineral oils.

Applied concentration: 0.4%;

Amount of solution applied/ha: 350 l/ha field crops, 500 l/ha apple.

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