Spectrum Erbicid Premium

Effective herbicide for healthy crops


Premium pre-emergence herbicide.

Controls annual and perennial monocotyledonous weeds as well as some dicotyledonous weeds in a wide range of agricultural crops (sunflower, maize, soya, potato, sugar beet).

To get a personalised quote, fill in the form below or contact your local Agricover representative.

Why choose Spectrum

Spectrum herbicide incorporates the most advanced technological solutions for the control of the main monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds.

Efficiency: The active substance is absorbed by germinating weeds.

Special feature: very small amounts of the active substance are taken up by the radicle (secondary route).

Quick effect: Within 7-10 days after application the maximum effect of Spectrum herbicide can be achieved.

Product features

SPECTRUM has a systemic action, germinating weeds absorb the active substance - dimethenamid-P - via coleoptile.

Very small amounts of the active substance are taken up by the radicle (secondary route). Moisture is needed to solubilise the active substance.

The product is persistent for up to 3 months without leaving residues for successor crops. The active substance dimethenamid-P breaks down (mainly by soil micro-organisms) to 90% within two months of application.

The rate of degradation is different depending on soil type, moisture and temperature conditions. Maximum effect of herbicide.


SPECTRUM can be reached within 7-10 days after application, the product is solubilised in the topsoil by precipitation or irrigation water (10-15 l/sqm).

SPECTRUM is a soil herbicide with application in ppi (before sowing with incorporation) or pre-emergent (after sowing). In dry springs, on soils with insufficient moisture, pre-sowing application and shallow incorporation 2-5 cm deep is recommended.

Potatoes are herbicided pre-emergent after the first or second flush. Immediately after application, do not use other machinery in the field to avoid destroying the herbicide film.

Herbicide application after crop and/or weed emergence is not recommended.

It is recommended to use 200-400 l/ha herbicide solution.

  • Culture
  • Weeds
  • Dose

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