AgroInput Credit
for setting up and maintaining agricultural crops

It covers your current expenses on the farm, whether it's a field crop, special crop (potato or sugar beet), fruit growing or wine growing.

Access the credit now for the purchase of agricultural inputs (diesel, fertilisers and pesticides) as well as cash for any other unexpected expenses.

Funding sized according to crop type or crop plan structure.

Repayment linked to the business cash flow.

Capitalised interest.

To whom it is addressed

This product can be accessed by farmers in the crop sector: arable crops, potatoes, sugar beet, fruit growing or viticulture.
Credit period

The credit period is correlated and includes the production cycle and can be up to 365 calendar days.

Reimbursement is linked to the harvest period, depending on the type of crop:
Large crop:
- July or August for autumn crops
- October or November for spring crops
Special crop: potatoes, sugar beet, fruit crops, vines - at harvest
We offer you this type of fast access credit.

With branches in major regions of the country, we reduce the time it takes to process credit files, so you have prompt access to the money you need for uninterrupted business activity.