Euro Plan Credit
for your business growth

Through Euro Plan Credit you can obtain financing for the various components of projects on European funds, in the process of their implementation and execution, with reimbursement from grants or from your own sources.

Whether you want to purchase new machinery or equipment, convert or set up vineyards and/or orchards, build new storage facilities or silos, whatever other development plans you have for your business, we support you to implement them.

Flexibility - The facility will cover full or partial funding of the project as appropriate.

The reimbursement will be made in line with harvest periods and/or grant receipt.

Projects funded by AFIR and/or APIA.

To whom it is addressed

This product is addressed to farmers working in the crop sector: arable crops, fruit growing, viticulture, vegetables, potatoes and sugar beet, as well as in the livestock sector: dairy or beef cattle farms.
Credit period

Up to 120 months, depending on the project.

Repayment based on project or business cash flow.
How to obtain Euro Plan Credit

Contact your Agricover Credit IFN representative to submit your request.

He will come to your farm to find together the optimal financing solution.

After going through the review and approval process you can get the necessary funding.

You benefit from a flexible guarantee structure.