Bactim Sol - Regenerative treatment


Bacterial bioproduct that accelerates the decomposition of plant debris.

It helps to regenerate the soil (both degraded and intensively farmed).

It contains bacteria in the form of spores on a nutrient substrate that have a longer shelf life and are more resistant to the action of environmental factors than 'live bacteria'.

Improves over time the physico-chemical characteristics of the soil (texture, structure, cation exchange capacity, aero-hydric regime).

Ensures rapid release of nutrients contained in the embedded biomass. 

Provides plants with extra phosphorus.

Application recommendations

The product is applied with a sprayer:

  • after harvest - incorporate
  • before sowing - incorporate with the combine
  • immediately after crop emergence

Application rate: 2l/ha.

The volume of the spraying solution is 300 l/ha, medium-sized sprays.


It is essential that after application to stubble left after harvesting, shredding and incorporation of plant debris is carried out to bring the bacteria into intimate contact with the soil and colonise it effectively.

At the first use of the product, a dose of 2l/ha is recommended to ensure the optimal start of bacterial activity. Subsequently a dose of 1l/ha should be applied to maintain the bacterial colony count.

It is advisable to apply together with a nitrogen-based product, especially for crop stubble with a high C/N ratio (cereal stubble, maize).

Product features

The two strains of the Bacillus genus contained in BACTIM SOL have a high capacity to break down cellulose and thus decompose straw and root system debris quickly and efficiently over a wide temperature range (4-60 degrees Celsius).

The breakdown of cellulose results in a large amount of glucose, which is an excellent food source for other soil microorganisms, increasing soil biodiversity.

The release of nutrients from decomposed crop residues increases the content of essential nutrients available in the soil. As a result of cellulose decomposition under aerobic conditions the following are formed: colloidal mucilages, gelatinous substances, uronic acids and dyes involved in humus formation and soil structure.

Rapid decomposition of plant debris decreases the likelihood of overwintering pathogens, thus lower infection pressure and greater effectiveness of plant protection programmes.

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