Kardax Pack

Fungicide protection system for oilseed rape and cereals


Agricover's Kardax pack contains 2 top fungicides with a recognised reputation in agriculture, approved for cereal and oilseed rape crops.

Protection against flour, septoria, rusts and fusariosis in cereals and against alternariosis and sclerotinia in oilseed rape.

The active ingredients have a broad-spectrum systemic control action with a protective, curative and eradicating effect on specific diseases of cereal and oilseed rape crops.

Package contents: AZOXIPRO (azoxystrobin 250 g/l) + PROTENDO 300 EC (prothioconazole 300 g/l)


Take advantage of the offer now and benefit from flexible financing solutions and fast delivery.

Application recommendations for cereals

Fusarium: it is recommended to apply the treatment immediately after the appearance of earworm until the end of flowering.

Septoria: before the disease appears in the crop, to protect the upper leaves and ears, apply when the flag leaves are fully emerged by mid-bloom.

Puccinia: Apply at the first symptoms of the disease, second application after 2-3 weeks if infections recur.

Pyrenophora: At the first signs of disease in spring or early summer. 

Blumeria: At the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. 

Rhynchosporium: First application in spring at first symptoms. At high infection pressure a second treatment is required every 2-3 weeks.

Application recommendations for oilseed rape

Spring sclerotinia: early to mid flowering

Phoma: in autumn when the first symptoms appear

Alternaria: mid-flowering to early pod filling

Azoxypro: azoxystrobin 250 G/L

Broad-spectrum active substance of the strobilurin (Qol) group with systemic, translaminar and protective properties. Acts on spore germination and mobility.

The fungicide is applied preventively, when climatic conditions are favourable for disease development or very soon after the first symptoms appear.

In cereals, for protection against ear diseases (Cladosporium and Alternaria), apply Azoxypro when ears appear. The last treatment can be made up to/including BBCH 71 stage (beginning of grain formation - watery grain content).

In oilseed rape, for control of Sclerotinia, apply before flowering (BBCH 51 - BBCH 59). For control of Alternaria, treatment should be made at the early pod formation stage, when the first ten pods are more than 4 cm long, before they become knotted, but no later than when the first spots appear on the pods.

Protendo: prothioconazole 300 G/L

Active substance with robust preventive and curative action against fungal pathogens in oilseed rape and cereal crops.

Prothioconazole provides effective control of problem diseases, ensuring long-lasting protection due to regular translaminar and acropetal distribution.

It can be mixed with other fungicides to increase the spectrum of control, with exceptional value in resistance management.

  • Highly effective control of problem diseases in cereals and oilseed rape
  • Regular, long-lasting translaminar and acropetal distribution, providing weeks of protection
  • Perfect mixing partner with other fungicides to increase the spectrum of control
  • Fungicide with exceptional resistance management capabilities

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