Vlad Șter, Agricover partner from Mures: "We are very satisfied with these products"

Good yields are expected in the sunflower crop at the Ceragrim farm as a result of the technology recommended by Agricover specialists.

At the Ceragrim farm in Mures county, Vlad Șter and I visited a sunflower plot on which the technology recommended by Agricover specialists was applied.

In pre-emergence, Spectrum herbicide was applied to control the main monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds. At the 4-6 leaf stage, Plonvit Active Oleaginous foliar fertiliser was applied, an effective fertiliser that gave the sunflower vigorous growth and allowed the plant to extract nutrients from the soil.

At the 12-leaf stage, Amino Bor foliar fertilizer was applied based on free amino acids of plant origin and Bor which stimulates protein synthesis in the plant. Amino Bor also helps flowering and fruiting.

In the fungicide treatment Zakeo Xtra was used together with Sumi Alpha 5EC insecticide to combat an aphid attack.

"We are very satisfied with these products so far and expect to get the best yields," Vlad Șter told us.