07/09/2022 00:00:00
Ionuț Corbea, Agricover Credit IFN partner: "I would recommend working with Agricover because of their speed and flexibility"
About two years ago, the administrators of TotAgro farm in Giurgiu county turned to Agricover Credit IFN for help to quickly obtain financing for business development.
"Given the relationship we have with Agricover for the agriculture company, we decided that the easiest way to finance the livestock business is Agricover Credit IFN. We have requested financing for about 200 cows, for an approximate amount of 400,000 euros", Ionuț Corbea explains.
Asked if and why he would recommend the partnership with Agricover Credit IFN to other farmers, Ionuț was delighted: "I would recommend the collaboration because of the speed and flexibility the company has".
We invite you to watch the full story above!