Rezultatele cautarii pentru "" : 328

About Us

Do you want to know more about us? Access this link and you will learn more about the Agricover universe.

Investor Relations

Access the following link to find out the contact details for the relationship with Agricover investors.

Social Responsibility

Access the following link to see what Agricover's social responsibility projects are.


Find the contact details of the Agricover representative in your county. Contact us today for any questions.

What Are The Expectations Of The Third Series Of The Young Leaders For Agriculture Programme?

Each young person entered the Young Leaders for Agriculture programme with a set of personal goals.

These Are The Trainees Of The Third Series Of The "Young Leaders For Agriculture" Programme

They are curious, they are eager, they are interested, they are dynamic! They have goals and they know very well what they want, they are involved in their business, they want to learn and develop themselves and the family farm.

Meet Ioan Rotaru, One Of The Trainees Of The 3Rd Series Of The "Young Leaders" Programme

That moment has come when we meet another Young Leaders for Agriculture trainee!

Agricover Credit Continues Its Expansion And Opens Its First Branch In The North West Region In Oradea

Agricover Credit, the leading non-bank financial institution specialising exclusively in agricultural financing, today inaugurated its first branch in the North West region in Oradea. This is the ninth branch opened by the company nationwide.

Agricover Credit Ifn - 57% Increase In Net Profit In The First Half Of 2018

Agricover Credit IFN - the main financial institution dedicated to financing Romanian agriculture, ended the first half of 2018 with an operating result of 21.2 million lei and a net profit of 17.8 million lei, an increase of 57.1% compared to the same period of 2017.

Agricover Credit Ifn Granted Loans To Farmers Worth 1.37 Billion Lei In 2017, Up 39% From The Previous Year

Agricover Credit IFN - the main financial institution dedicated to financing Romanian agriculture, granted last year placements worth 1.37 billion lei to Romanian farmers and achieved an operating profit of 29.6 million lei, up 19% compared to 2016.

Adama Buys A Minority Stake In Agricover, The Leading Distributor Of Agricultural Inputs

Agricover S.A. ("AGRICOVER"), a subsidiary of Agricover Holding S.A., the leading player in Romanian agribusiness, and ADAMA Ltd. ("ADAMA"), a global leader in integrated plant protection solutions, announce the purchase by ADAMA of a 10% stake in AGRICOVER.

Agricover Credit Ifn Records 31% Increase In Net Profit In The First Half Of 2019

Agricover Credit IFN, the leading financial institution dedicated to financing Romanian agriculture, closed the first half of 2019 with an operating result of RON 26.8 million and a net profit of RON 23.3 million, up 31% compared to the same period of 2018.

Agricover Sa - Revenues Of 1.64 Billion Lei And Net Profit Of 13.2 Million Lei For 2018

Agricover SA, a subsidiary of Agricover Holding, reports for 2018 revenues of 1.64 billion lei and a net profit of 13.2 million lei from Agri-Business (distribution of agricultural inputs, silage services and trade in cereals and oilseeds) and Agri-Food (slaughtering, processing and marketing of pork) activities.

Agricover Credit Ifn Recorded A 49% Increase In Net Profit In 2018 Compared To The Previous Year

Agricover Credit IFN - the main financial institution dedicated to financing Romanian agriculture, recorded last year a net profit of 33.2 million lei, representing an increase of 49% compared to 2017.

Agricover Launches A Scholarship Programme For Young Farmers In Romania

Agricover Group continues its strategy of social responsibility and launches the program "Agricover 2020 Scholarships" in which 10 scholarships, worth 100,000 euros, will be offered to young farmers in Romania who want to ensure the continuity of the family business and specialize by following the courses of the second series of the Young Leaders for Agriculture Program (2020-2021) of the Romanian Farmers Club for Performance Agriculture.

Ebrd And Eib Provide Romanian Farmers With €12.5 Million In New Funds

Financing will be provided through Agricover Credit IFN, the leading financial institution dedicated to financing Romanian agriculture.

Agricover Holding S.A. Increases The Share Capital Of Its Subsidiaries With An Investment Of 63 Million Lei

Agricover Holding S.A., the majority shareholder of Agricover Group, reports for 2019 consolidated revenues of more than 1.65 billion lei and loans of 1.88 billion lei from operations carried out through its subsidiaries Agricover S.A., Agricover Credit IFN and Abatorul Periș S.A.

Eib Provides Agricultural Smes With Eur 7.5 Million In New Funds Through Agricover Credit Ifn Romania

Small and medium-sized farmers in Romania will benefit from improved access to finance thanks to new funds provided through Agricover Credit IFN by the European Investment Bank (EIB), based on the agreement formalised in 2020 for the total loan amount of EUR 15 million initially approved.

Agricover Credit Ifn Opens Its First Branch In Brasov, Thus Being Present In All Regions Of The Country

Agricover Credit IFN, the leading non-bank financial institution specialising exclusively in agricultural financing, today inaugurated its first branch in central Brasov. This is the tenth branch opened by the company nationwide.

Partial And Symmetrical Division Of Agricover Holding S.A.

The Board of Directors of Agricover Holding SA decided on Wednesday, 26.05.2021, to approve for publication the project of partial and symmetrical division of the Company by spinning off the stake held in Abatorul Periș SA to the newly established beneficiary company CCI Cardinal Equity SA, with the same shareholding structure as Agricover Holding SA.

Agricover Holding S.A. Publishes Financial Results For 2020

Agricover Holding SA ("Agricover Group") has published its consolidated financial results for the year ended 31 December 2020. The Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020, prepared and audited in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS-EU), can be found at

Agricover Holding S.A. Takes Its First Step On The Bucharest Stock Exchange By Listing The Largest Bond Issue Of A Romanian Entrepreneurial Company On The Bvb

Agricover Holding S.A., the main player in Romanian agribusiness, has taken its first step on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), where it has listed a €40 million five-year bond issue, the largest corporate bond issue by a Romanian entrepreneurial company on the BVB.

Agricover Holding Sa Successfully Finances An Inaugural Eur 40 Million Bond Issue On The Bucharest Stock Exchange (Bvb)

To mark the 20th anniversary of the start of operations on the agricultural market in Romania, the Agricover Group has carried out the first bond issue of EUR 40 million, which will be listed in the next period on the regulated market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). The issue was carried out through a private placement on the BVB, which was oversubscribed and enjoyed a diversified audience, both among institutional investors (open investment funds, commercial banks, international financial institutions) and among investors in the "private banking" category.

Agricover Has A New Visual Identity

Agricover - the leader of the agribusiness market in Romania, has completed an extensive rebranding process this year. The rebranding was generated by the need to align the Agricover brand with the current stage of business development.

Agricover Launches Crop360 Digital Farming Platform

Agricover - the leader of the agribusiness market in Romania, launches the specialized Crop360 platform, which provides farmers with digital agriculture services as an additional support in growing profitable businesses.

Agricover, Seedblink And Microsoft Team Up To Launch Nextcelerator - The Digital Agriculture Hub

Agricover together with SeedBlink and Microsoft launch Nextcelerator, a new digital accelerator designed to help Agritech startups startups increase the speed of innovation in the agricultural sector in Central and Eastern Europe.

Who We Are

Do you want to know who we are? Agricover is the leader of the agribusiness market in Romania. You can find more information about who we are here.

Corporate Governance

Find out more about Agricultural Corporate Governance. The Agricover Corporate Governance Framework is a key element of a sustainable growth strategy in agriculture.


Discover the Innovation & Agricultural Development Solutions from Agricover. Products developed thanks to the synergy between AgriBusiness, AgriFinance & AgriTechnology.

Successful Partnerships And Stories

Read the farmers' testimonials on Agricover. Discover the team's success stories & partnerships - told by farmers themselves.

Agricover's History

Find out more about Agricover's history. From Agri-BIZ, to Agri-FIN, to Agri-FIN-TECH. See the business model perfected for 20 years to meet the needs of farmers.

Media Center

Agricover Media Center. Find out more about the company's press releases and image portfolio. Access the following link for more information.

Analist Financiar Senior

Manager Categorie

Agricultural Inputs

Find out more about the latest inputs on agricultural options from Agricover. Get in touch with us today for any questions.


Find out more about the latest inputs on agricultural financing options from Agricover. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Ștefan Laurențiu, About The Collaboration With Agricover Credit Ifn

Ștefan Laurențiu, administrator of SC Agro Ștefan SRL, from Călărași county, with more than 20 years of experience in the agricultural field, tells us about the financing needs of his farm.

Vlad Ster: "This Fertilizer Helped The Maize To Overcome Water Stress And It Grew Vigorously"

Vlad Șter, agronomist engineer at the farm SC Ceragrim SRL, from Mures county, received us in the middle of a corn crop on which phytosanitary products recommended by Agricover specialists were applied.

Iulian Filipoiu, Agricover Partner From Ialomita, On The Impact Of Phytosanitary Products In Sunflower Cultivation

Iulian Filipoiu, our partner, welcomed us on the land managed by SC Net Farming SRL, in Scânteia, Ialomița county, where we used plant protection products recommended by Agricover specialists.

Daniel Nedelcea, About The Collaboration With Agricover: "The Products Give A Very Good Yield"

Engineer at Meridian Com Prod SRL in Giurgiu county and Agricover partner for over 5 years, Daniel Nedelcea invited us to an experimental batch of corn to see which phytosanitary products were recommended by Agricover specialists.

Daniel Marcu, Our Partner In Dolj, About The Technical Recommendations Received From Agricover Specialists

Good results obtained as a result of technical recommendations received from Agricover specialists and a fruitful collaboration of about 6 years.

Cătălin Soare, Agricover Partner From Ilfov County, On The Technology Applied To Corn Cultivation

We are at the Geo&Costi Agrostar SRL farm in Sindrilița, Ilfov county, where we talked to engineer Cătălin Soare to present the corn demonstration batch prepared together with Agricover.

Emil Turdean, Agricover Partner From Cluj, About Corn Cultivation: "You Can See How Clean It Is"

In the middle of summer, we arrived in Bogata, Cluj county, where we met Emil Turdean, our partner, to observe the evolution of a maize crop where the treatment scheme proposed by Agricover specialists was applied.

Iulian Filipoiu, Agricover Partner From Ialomita: "The Result Was Spectacular"

Well-chosen herbicides and organic foliar fertilizer have brought spectacular results in the Net Farming corn crop.

Vlad Șter, Agricover Partner From Mures: "We Are Very Satisfied With These Products"

Good yields are expected in the sunflower crop at the Ceragrim farm as a result of the technology recommended by Agricover specialists.

Nagy Szabolcs, Agricover Partner From Sălaj: "The Agricover Team Was Always There For Me"

Nagy Szabolcs confidently recommends the Agricover treatment scheme applied to the wheat crop.

Emil Turdean, Agricover Partner From Cluj, Proud Of The Impeccable Wheat Crop

Emil Turdean is proud of an impeccable wheat crop that promises a very good harvest, both in terms of quantity and quality.

Vlad Șter, Agricover Partner From Mures, About The Treatment Schemes: "They Represent Well-Chosen, Effective And Safe Products"

Recently, we spoke to Vlad Șter, an engineer at Ceragrim. The young agronomist told us that Ceragrim owns 1600 ha, and from this area he showed us the demonstration lot with a beautiful wheat crop on which the technologies recommended by Agricover specialists were applied.

Răzvan Silion, Agricover Partner From Botoșani: "We Were Helped When We Needed It"

Răzvan Silion, engineer at AGRO IND COM Botoșani: Wheat production estimated at 6.5 t/ha, thanks to Agricover's hard work and phytosanitary products.

Alin Luculeasa, Agricover Partner From Vaslui: "Agricover Is A Company That Has Helped Us A Lot Through Its Professionalism"

Recently, we met Alin Luculeasa, a farmer from the north-eastern part of the country, with whom we have had a close working relationship for more than 5 years. Alin is the farm manager of EVEL-H Company SRL, located in Vaslui county, Costești commune, and the farm is more than 20 years old.

Lucian Vișan, Agricover Partner From Timis, About Foliar Fertilizers Applied To Wheat Crops

Recently, the Agricover team visited the fields of Nevada Tim, in Timis County, to analyze the evolution of the wheat crop following the application of Agricover treatments.

Romanian Farmers' Club For Performance Farming

Find out more about the Romanian Farmers' Club for Performance Farming. Agricover is supporting the development of thriving communities.

Agricover Scholarships

Apply for a scholarship program for young farmers. Agricover invests in the education of future generations of farmers! You can be the future of agriculture!

Agricultural Inputs

Learn more about the latest agricultural technologies for efficient and effective farming. Choose Agricover Distribution for a seamless process!


Do you want to apply for an financial solution for your farm? See the types of agricultural loans available at Agricover. Apply for IFN loan for farmers!


Agricover Credit

Learn more about the available agricultural loans! Agricover provides IFN loans to farmers. Get in touch with the team today for any questions.

Discover The Products

Find out more about the financing products from Agricover. Providing working capital & investment loans. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Fermier Card

Agricover offers the FERMIER card; the first credit card for Romanian farmers. Find out more about the card and its benefits. Apply for a FERMIER card today!

Request Fermier Card

Products In Campaign

Discover Agricover's complete portfolio of phytosanitary products. These products are integrated within the latest agricultural technologies. Learn more today!

Bio Catalogue Agricover

New Products

Discover the range of new products for agriculture. From specialised fertilisers to fungicides. Request an offer today from Agricover.

Exclusive Fungicide Range

Flavius Nichifor, Agricover Technical Director, describes the range of fungicides developed and distributed exclusively in the recent years by Agricover.

Find out what has been said by Flavius Nichifor about our exclusive fungicide range. Learn more directly from the Agricover experts.

Exclusively Distributed Insecticides

Agricover has developed in recent years a range of exclusively distributed products. Thus, for all the basic crops in Romania - cereals, maize, sunflower and rapeseed, products have been selected to cover the main treatments required for these crops and all the needs of farmers.

Find out what has been said by Flavius Nechifor about our exclusively distributed insecticides. Learn more directly from the Agricover experts.

Products That Ensure High Yields

Nelu Marin, Agricover technical consultant, shows us the treatment scheme used on a wheat lot of Agro Ind Com SRL, Botoșani, made with products only in Agricover portfolio.

Find out what has been said by Nelu Marin about the products that ensure high yields. Learn more directly from the Agricover experts.

Sunflower Treatment Scheme

In July, our colleague Nelu Marin, Agricover technical consultant, went to the company Pino Star in Tulcea county to see the result of Agricover products applied to the sunflower demonstration lot.

Find out what Nelu Marin, Agricover technical consultant, said about sunflower treatment scheme. Learn more directly from the Agricover experts.

Experimental Wheat Lot Treatment

Cosmin Stana, Agricover technical consultant, about the experimental wheat lot in Timis: "We estimate a production of over 9 tons per hectare".

Find out what Cosmin Stana, Agricover technical consultant, said about experimental wheat lot treatment. Learn more directly from the Agricover experts.

En Agricover Credit Ifn Sa Half Year Ifrs 2021

En Agricover Sa Half Year Ifrs 2021

En Agricover Holding Half Year Ifrs 2021

Ro Agricover Sa Ifrs Iunie 2021

Ro Agricover Credit Ifn Ifrs Iunie 2021

Ro Agricover Holding Ifrs Iunie 2021

Agricover Sa 2020 _ Hy Report (Ifrs)

En Agricover Sa Pachet Complet Ifrs 31.12.2020

Ro Agricover Sa Pachet Complet Ifrs 31.12.2020

Agricover Holding - Consolidated Ifrs Hy Report R0 2020

En Agricover Credit Pachet Complet Ifrs Conso 31.12.2020

En Agricover Holding Pachet Complet Ifrs Conso 31.12.2020

Ro Agricover Credit Pachet Complet Ifrs Conso 31.12.2020

Ro Agricover Holding Pachet Complet Ifrs Conso 31.12.2020

Ifrs Ro 30.06.2020 Agricover Credit Ifn + Opinie Auditor

Agricover Sa 2019 (Ifrs)

Agricover Credit Ifn_Consolidated Ifrs Fs Ro 2019

Agricover Holding_Consolidated Ifrs Fs Ro 2019

Agricover Credit Ifn_Consolidated Ifrs Fs Ro 2018

Agricover Sa 2018 (Ifrs)

Agricover Holding_Consolidated Ifrs Fs Ro 2018

2021_En Agricover Credit Ifrs Consolidated Financial Statements

2021_En Agricover Distribution Financial Statements

2021_En Agricover Holding Consolidated Ifrs Financial Statements

2021_Ro Agricover Distribution Situatii Financiare Ifrs

2021_Ro Agricover Credit Situatii Financiare Consolidate Ifrs

2021_Ro Agricover Holding Situatii Financiare Consolidate Ifrs

Agricoverholdingsa-2021-12-31-En_Esef Consolidated Financial Statements

Agricoverholdingsa-2021-12-31-Ro_Esef Situatii Financiare Consolidate

2022_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 21_21.06.2022 Agoa

2022_En Current Report No. 21_ 21.06.2022 Ogms

2022_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 20_26.05.2022_Schimbare Compozitie Ca

2022_En Current Report No 20_26.05.2022_Change Of Board Composition

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 19_13.05.2022_Demisie Administrator Steldia Services Limited

En Current Report No. 19_13.05.2022_Director Resignation Steldia Services Limited

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 18_13.05.2022_Convocare Agoa 20.06.2022

En Current Report Np. 18_13.05.2022_Convening Ogms 20.06.2022

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 17 28.04.2022 Agea 28.04.2022

En Current Report No 17 28.04.2022 Egms 28.04.2022

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 16 28.04.2022 Agoa 28.04.2022

En Current Report No 16 28.04.2022 Ogms 28.04.2022

2022_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 15_22.03.2022_Convocare Agoa-Agea 28.04.2022

2022_En Current Report No. 15_22.03.2022_Convening Ogms And Egms 28.04.2022

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 14_28.01.2022_Calendar Financiar 2022.Pdf

En Current Report No. 14_28.01.2022_Financial Calendar 2022.Pdf

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 13 24.01.2022 Anunt Plata Dobanda Obligatiuni

En Current Report No. 13 24.01.2022 Notice Payment Of Interest Corporate Bonds

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 12_21.12.2021_Agea 20.12.2021

En Current Report No. 12_21.12.2021_Egms 20.12.2021

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 11_21.12.2021_Agoa 20.12.2021

En Current Report No. 11_21.12.2021_Ogms 20.12.2021

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 10 17.11.2021 Agoa 16.11.2021

En Current Report No. 10 17.11.2021 Gms 16.11.2021

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 9 17.11.2021 Convocare Aga 20.12.2021

En Current Report No. 9 17.11.2021 Convening Of Gms

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 8_13.10.2021 Agoa 16.11.2021

En Current Report No. 8_13.10.2021 Gms

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 7_12.08.2021 Agoa 11.08.2021

En Current Report No 7_12.08.2021_Agea

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 6_29.07.2021_Agoa 28.07.2021

En Current Report Nr. 6_29.07.2021_Agoa

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 5_07.07.2021 Convocare Aga

En Current Report No 5_07.07.2021 Gms Convening

Ro Raport Curent Nr 4_24.06.2021 Extindere Mandat Administrator

En Current Report No 4_24.06.2021 Director Mandate Extension

Ro Raport Curent Nr 3_26.05.2021 Proiect Divizare

En Current Report No 3_26.05.2021 Demerger Project

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 2_29.04.2021 Agoa 28.04.2021

En Raport Curent Nr. 2_29.04.2021 Agoa 28.04.2021

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 1_29.03.2021- Calendar-Financiar-2021


Proiect Divizare Partiala Agricover Holding Sa_26.05.2021_Ro_Final

Ro Agricover Holding Raport Semestrial 2021

En Agricover Holding Half Year Report 2021

Ro Agricover Holding Raport Anual 2020 Final Cu Anexe Semnat[7]

En Agricover Holding Annual Report 2020 With Financials

2021_En Agricover Holding Annual Report

2021_Ro Agricover Holding Raport Anual

Agricoverholdingsa-2021-12-31-En_Esef Annual Report

Agricoverholdingsa-2021-12-31-Ro_Esef Raport Anual

Notificare Schimbare Sediu Social Si Denumire Agricover_Iunie 2022

Prospect_Admitere_La_Tranzactionare_Agricover_Holding 2021

Decizia_Asf_Agricover Holding 2021

Agricover Credit Ifn Launches Fermier Card - The First Mastercard Business Credit Card Created Especially For Farmers In Romania

Agricover Credit IFN - the leading non-bank financial institution specialising exclusively in agricultural financing launches the first Mastercard business credit card for farmers in Romania, providing them with fast access to pay-as-you-go financing.

Agricover Summit 2022 Series Of Events Started

Agricover - the leading agribusiness market in Romania, launched today the series of specialized events gathered under the Agricover 2022 Summit umbrella.

Ten Agritech Startups From Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Czech Republic Were Chosen As Finalists For Nextcelerator

50 AgriTech startups from Central and Eastern Europe have applied for the Nextcelerator accelerator. SeedBlink, Microsoft and Agricover will provide entrepreneurs with a mix of technology, funding and access to highly experienced agricultural mentors. Nextcelerator aims to support the most innovative technology businesses in agriculture.

Agricover Group Reports Solid Profit Growth And €2 Million Investment In It R&D For 2021

Agricover, the leader of the agribusiness market in Romania, ended 2021 with remarkable results that demonstrate once again the resilience of its business model, based on which the Group's revenues and financial performance have increased, strengthening its market share.

Agricover Launches Agrinnovator - Working Group For The Future Of Sustainable And Efficient Romanian Agriculture

On the occasion of the National Conference of the "Young Leaders for Agriculture" programme that took place today, 10 May, with the participation of young graduates and more than 200 farmers members of the Romanian Farmers Club, Agricover, main partner of the programme and leader of the agribusiness market in Romania, announced the launch of a new project focused on identifying innovation directions in the agriculture of the future.

Ebrd Appoints Madeline-Dalila Alexander, Director - Member Of The Board Of Directors Of Agricover Holding Sa

The Board of Directors of Agricover Holding SA announces the appointment of Ms. Madeline-Dalila ALEXANDER, as Provisional Director - Member of the Board of Directors of Agricover Holding SA. Ms. Alexander was appointed on behalf of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and will also continue to serve as Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee of Agricover Holding SA.

1000 Farmers Use Crop360 Digital Farming Platform

Agricover - the leader of the agribusiness market in Romania, announces that it has reached the milestone of 1000 farmers using the Crop 360 digital farming platform launched by the company late last year. This represents the fastest adoption rate of digital technology on farms in Romania. The area farmed by user farmers exceeds 250,000 hectares.


Find out more about Nextcelerator - The Digital Agriculture Hub from Agricover. Your ticket to digitize and streamline agriculture in Central & Eastern Europe.

Summit-Ul Agricover - Viticon - Video Principal

Video Principal

Ioana Marin Covers Current Expenses On The Cattle Farm Using The Fermier Card

Ioana Marin runs a dedicated cattle farm and is part of a cooperative that supplies organic milk. She applied for the FERMIER Card to cover expenses related to the spring campaign, such as purchasing biostimulators and diesel. The most important benefit for Ioana is the post-harvest repayment.

Rădița Dumitru Is An Ambitious Farmer Who Uses The Fermier Card For Farm Development

Radita wants to use the FERMIER Card to purchase agricultural products from the Agricover online shop. She considers this card useful and beneficial for the development of her business.

Cîrstocea Eugen Uses The Fermier Card: "With The Fermier Card, A Farmer Can Address Certain Business Needs. I Recommend It To Everyone"

Meet Eugen Cîrstocea, a farmer from Ialomița who has been working with Agricover for 6 years and has applied for the FERMIER Card.

David Raluca Uses The Fermier Card Whenever She Needs It: "It's A Real Help On The Farm"

David Raluca, from Constanta County, is delighted that her relationship with Agricover is helping her manage her farm.

Brăcaciu Radian, The First Farmer To Apply For The Fermier Card: "I'm Glad To Have Access To Money 24/24"

Radian Brăcaciu is the first farmer to apply for the Mastercard business credit card created specifically for the needs of farmers - the FERMIER Card.

The Fermier Card, A Reliable Aid For Business Development: "I Recommend It With Confidence"

The FERMIER Card, the first business credit card exclusively for farmers in Romania, is a real support in terms of financing current needs on the farm.

Agricover Announces New Appointments In The Management Of Agricover Credit Ifn Sa

Robert Rekkers becomes Chairman of the Board, Serhan Hacisuleyman will be appointed CEO.

2022_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 22_20.07.2022_Convocare Agoa 23.08.2022

2022_En Current Report No. 22_ 20.07.2022_ Ogms Convening For 23.08.2022

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 23_24.08.2022_Agoa 23.08.2022

En Current Report No. 23_24.08.2022 Ogms_23.08.2022

2022_Ro Agricover Holding Raport Semestrial 2022

En Agricover Holding Half Year Report 2022

2022_En Agricover Credit Ifn Sa_H12022 Fs_En

2022_En Agricover Credit Ifn Sa_H12022 Review Report_En

2022_Ro Agricover Credit Ifn Sa_S12022 Fs_Ro

2022_Ro Agricover Credit Ifn Sa_S12022 Raport Revizuire_Ro

2022_En Agricover Distribution Sa_H12022 Fs_En

2022_En Agricover Distribution Sa_H12022 Review Report_En

2022_Ro Agricover Distribution Sa_S12022 Fs_Ro

2022_Ro Agricover Distribution Sa_S12022 Raport Revizuire_Ro

2022_En Agricover Holding Sa_H12022 Fs_En

2022_En Agricover Holding Sa_H12022 Review Report_En

2022_Ro Agricover Holding Sa_S12022 Fs_Ro

2022_Ro Agricover Holding Sa_S12022 Raport Revizuire_Ro

Cătălin Corbea, About The Advantages Of Collaboration With Agricover Credit Ifn: "Agricover Solves The Financial Problems"

Cătălin Corbea, the owner of TotAgro SRL farm in Giurgiu county, has been a partner of Agricover Credit IFN for more than eight years. He is very satisfied with the collaboration.

Ionuț Corbea, Agricover Credit Ifn Partner: "I Would Recommend Working With Agricover Because Of Their Speed And Flexibility"

About two years ago, the administrators of TotAgro farm in Giurgiu county turned to Agricover Credit IFN for help to quickly obtain financing for business development.

Agricover Announces New Appointments In The Management Of Agricover Credit Ifn Sa

Robert Rekkers becomes Chairman of the Board, Serhan Hacisuleyman will be appointed CEO.

Responsabil Trezorerie

Agrinnovator In Dialogue With Barna Tánczos, Minister Of Environment, Water And Forests On The Future Of Sustainable And Efficient Romanian Agriculture

Young farmers forming the Agroinnovator working group met on 3 November with Barna Tánczos, Minister for the Environment, Water and Forests, to discuss the role of digitisation in tomorrow's sustainable and efficient agriculture.

Agricultural Informatics Specialist Is Agrinnovator's Young Farmers' Proposal For Efficient Agriculture

On Wednesday 23 November, a press conference was held in Bucharest to launch the first public policy proposal formulated by young farmers from the Agrinnovator think tank.

Agricover - Desemnarea Wood & Company Financial Services A.S - Ro

Catalog Agricover Sămânță Certificată Primăvară 2023

Certified Seed Catalogue - Spring 2023 - Agricover

2023_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 1_ 19.01.2023 Prelungire Mandat Director General

2023_En Current Report No. 1_19.01.2023 Ceo Mandate Extension

Catalog Produse Și Soluții Tehnologice Primăvară 2023

Products and technological solutions - Spring 2023 - Agricover

2023_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 2 30.01.2023_Anunt Plata Dobanda Obligatiuni 2023

2023_En Current Report No. 2_30.01.2023_ Notice Of Interest Payment Bond

2023_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 3 30.01.2023 Calendar Financiar 2023

2023_En Current Report No. 3 30.01.2023 Financial Calendar For 2023

Ferticover 12.27.0

NP granular fertiliser with a high content of phosphorus and main (N, P) and secondary (S, Ca and Mg) macro-elements.

Glyphocover - Herbicide

Total herbicide for the control of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous, annual and perennial weeds in crops and agricultural fields.

Discover the Glyphocover Total Herbicide from Agricover. Complex formula enriched with sulphur. Benefit from our offers and flexible financing solutions today!

Ferticover Nitron Fertilizer

Liquid foliar fertilizer which, due to its high nitrogen concentration, helps during critical periods when plants have high nutrient consumption.

Agricover - Designation Wood & Company Financial Services A.S. - En

Agricover Announces New Management Of Agricover Distribution

Bucharest, 13 February 2023 - Agricover, a major player in the Romanian agribusiness market, announces the appointment of Mr. Bogdan Dimcea as General Manager of Agricover Distribution SA. Mr. Ghiță Pinca, who previously held the position of General Manager, will continue his activity within the company as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Agricover Distribution SA.

Catalog Produse Și Soluții Tehnologice Pomi Fructiferi Și Viță De Vie 2023

Products and technological solutions for fruit trees and vines 2023 - Agricover

2023_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 4_07.03.2023_Convocare Agea 10.04

2023_En Current Report No. 4_07.03.2023_Convening The Egms For 10.04

2023_Ro Raport Curent Nr. 5_21.03.2023 Convocare Agoa-Agea 21.04

2023_En Current Report No. 5_21.03.2023 Ogsm And Egsm Convening Notice 21.04

Agricover Posts Revenues From The Sale Of Agricultural Inputs Of Ron 2.55 Billion In 2022 And A Gross Carrying Value Of Loans And Advances Of Ron 2.84 Billion As Of The End Of 2022



Descopera ofertele speciale si promotiile pentru produsele agricole Agricover! Beneficiaza de reduceri exclusive si pachete avantajoase la un pret mic.

Account Manager

Ferticover Nitron Plus

Choose Ferticover Nitron Plus, a liquid foliar fertilizer high in nitrogen and macro elements.

Foliar Fertilizer Ferticover Nitron Plus

Îngrășământ foliar lichid care, datorită coCere acum o oferta pentru Ferticover Nitron Plus! Un expert Agricover te va contacta in cel mai scurt timp.

Foliar Fertilizer Ferticover Omni

Îngrășământ foliar lichid care, datorită concentrației ridicate de azot, ajută plantele în perioadele critice.

Bactim Sol Regenerating Treatment

Bactim Sol is a bacterial bioproduct that accelerates the decomposition of plant residues, helps regenerate soils (both degraded and intensively farmed).

Agricover Credit Ifn Secures Eur 20 Million From Efse To Finance Romanian Farmers

Bucharest, May 10th, 2023 – Agricover Credit IFN, a significant player in the agribusiness financing sector in Romania, announces new credit facilities from The European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE), amounting to EUR 10 million and RON 49.2 million, respectively. The two loans are intended to finance micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and entrepreneurs and have been granted for seven years.

Catalog Produse Și Soluții Pentru Agricultura Ecologică 2023

Agricover Holding S.A. Changes Plans To List On The Bucharest Stock Exchange

Bucharest, May 17, 2023 – The Board of Directors of Agricover Holding SA ("Agricover" or the "Company") has decided not to proceed with the process of listing the Company’s shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange due to the fact that, under current market conditions, it would not have met the parameters originally envisaged.

Personal Depozit Chiajna

Healthy Wheat Field Obtained With Agricover Treatment Schemes - Emil Turdean

Emil Turdean shows us the healthy wheat crop obtained with Agricover treatment schemes.

Ovidiu Oltean, On The Crop Treatment Schemes Proposed By Agricover

Ovidiu Oltean has introduced Agricover products into crop treatment schemes.

Emil Isacov, Agronomist Engineer From Emiliana West Rom - Products Applied In Rapeseed Crop

Emil Isacov, an agricultural engineer from Emiliana West Rom (Timiș county), cultivates around 11,000 hectares of land with wheat, rape, corn and sunflowers. To achieve excellent results, Emil and his team rely on the expertise and technology offered by Agricover.

Eduard Murarița Confidently Turned To The Solutions Proposed By Agricover Agronomic Specialists

Eduard Murarița (manager of Agricola Mur Production) confidently turned to the solutions proposed by Agricover's agronomic specialists and had outstanding results with wheat.

Products And Technological Solutions For Oilseed Rape 2023

Emil Turdean, Satisfied With The Corn Crop Obtained With Agricover Crop Nutrition Products

Emil Turdean, a farmer from Cluj, turned this year to Agricover specialists' recommendations to take care of his corn crop.

The Top Technology Recommended By Agricover Specialists For Oilseed Rape: "It's Exceptional"

The Țigu brothers, from Arad, followed the treatment scheme recommended by Agricover specialists to obtain a healthy oilseed rape crop.

Agricover Holding Announces Its Financial Results For The First Half Of 2023

Bucharest, 29th August 2023 - Agricover, the leader of the Romanian agribusiness, reports Agribusiness revenues of RON 1.06 billion, Agrifinance loans and advances of RON 2.96 billion, at nominal value as of 30 June 2023, and consolidated operating profit of RON 7.51 million, for the first six months of 2023. The number of farmers using the Group's services reached a high record of 10,587, up by 6.4% in June 2023 compared to December 2022.


Bactim Sol - Regenerative Treatment

Cash Discount Programme And 1 X 1 Programme

Ferticover Nitron

Îngrășământ foliar lichid care, datorită concentrației ridicate de azot, ajută plantele în perioadele critice.

Glyphocover Total Herbicide

Total herbicide

Ferticover 12.27.0 25 So3 + 2 Cao + 2 Mgo

Îngrășământ granulat NP cu un conținut mare de fosfor îmbogățit cu microelemente.


Ferticover Fertiliser 12.32.8

Complex formula with nitrogen, high phosphorus, potassium and enriched with sulphur.


Porumb Super

Cere acum o oferta pentru pachetul Porumb Super care contine Sornet extra + Osorno! Un expert Agricover te va contacta in cel mai scurt timp.


Cere acum o oferta pentru Spectrum Erbicid Premium! Un expert Agricover te va contacta in cel mai scurt timp

Agricover Launches Version 2.0 Of The Crop360 Digital Farming Platform

Bucharest, November 1, 2023 - Agricover, the agribusiness leader in Romania, announces the launch of version 2.0 of the CROP360 specialized digital agriculture platform 2 years after its initial launch.

Leonte Maciuc, Farmer From Suceava, About The Advantages Of The 1X1 Programme

Leonte Maciuc, a farmer from Suceava county, turned to Agricover specialists to help finance his business.

Agroinput Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Agroinput Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Flux Constant Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Flux Constant Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Avans Forward Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Avans Forward Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Stoc Smart Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Stoc Smart Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Lapte Bun Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Lapte Bun Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Hectar Plus Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Hectar Plus Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Ferma Noua Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Ferma Noua Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Echipat Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Echipat Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Septel Plus Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Septel Plus Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Irrigation Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Irrigation Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Farmtech Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Farmtech Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Utilaj Instant Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Utilaj Instant Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Euro Plan Credit

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Euro Plan Credit from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Discount And Factoring Facility

Do you need help with your farm? Find out more about the Discount and Factoring Facility from Agricover Credit IFN. Get in touch with us today for any questions.

Dji Mavic 3M Drone

Cere acum o oferta pentru Drona DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral! Un expert Agricover te va contacta in cel mai scurt timp .

Gheorghe Anghel, Farmer From Teleorman, About The Collaboration With Agricover Credit Ifn: "If It Wasn't For Agricover, I Couldn't Develop Like This"

The Agricover Credit IFN team arrived in Teleorman county to discuss with Mr. Gheorghe Anghel, our partner, about the collaboration built over time.

Adrian Niculae, Farmer From Teleorman, About Agricover Credit Ifn: "It Is The Right Partner"

Adrian Niculae, a farmer from Teleorman county and our partner for many years, is very pleased with the collaboration with Agricover Credit IFN.

The Nițu Family Uses The Fermier Card To Cover Unexpected Expenses On The Farm: "Payment At Harvest Is The Main Advantage For Us"

The Nițu family owns 200 hectares of agricultural land in Timis County, with wheat, barley, rapeseed and sunflower farms. They have been our partners since 2015, when they turned to Agricover specialists for help, needing money for capital and running costs.

Titi Ferencz, About The Fermier Card: "It Can Be Used At Any Time And Reimbursed At Harvest"

Titi Ferencz owns a cattle farm in Biharia (Bihor county), with 80 head. He also has a milk processing plant, where he produces cheese, cream, sweet cheese, butter and pasteurised milk.

Ștefan Laurențiu, About The Collaboration With Agricover Credit Ifn

Ștefan Laurențiu, administrator of SC Agro Ștefan SRL, from Călărași county, with more than 20 years of experience in the agricultural field, tells us about the financing needs of his farm.

Certified Seed Catalogue - Spring 2024

Răsfoiește catalogul “Sămânță Certificată Primăvară 2024” pentru a descoperi gama de sămânță de floarea soarelui, porumb și alte culturi de primăvară.

Ferticover Omni

Ferticover Omni is a complex universal liquid foliar fertilizer with nitrogen plus macro and microelements.

Koleron - Systemic Fungicide

Koleron is a systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action to control a wide range of diseases in cereal and oilseed rape crops.

Systemic Fungicide Koleron

Koleron | Agricover - Systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action to control a wide range of diseases in cereal and oilseed rape crops.

Amino 80 Wsp

Amino 80 WSP is a solid organic fertilizer CFP 1 (A)(I), amino acid based, soluble, under granules for foliar and soil application.

Solid Organic Fertiliser Amino 80 Wsp

Amino 80 WSP | Agricover is a solid organic fertilizer CFP 1 (A)(I), amino acid based, soluble, under granules for foliar and soil application.

Rexaris 25 Wg

Rexaris 25 WG is a classic, simple and effective pyrethroid insecticide approved for a diverse range of crops.

Pyrethroid Insecticide Rexaris Wg 25

Agricover - Classic, simple and effective pyrethroid insecticide approved to a diverse range of crops.

Sagaris Extra Package - Top Fungicides For Oilseed Rape

The SAGARIS EXTRA PACKAGE contains two leading fungicides approved for oilseed rape.

Sagaris Extra Package

The SAGARIS EXTRA PACKAGE contains two leading fungicides approved for oilseed rape crops.

Stivuitorist - Personal Depozit Chiajna

Epuraș Dragoș, A Farmer From Botoșani County, Used Agricover's 1X1 Programme To Get Rid Of Financial Problems In 2023

Dragoș Alexandru's family works, in Botoșani, an area of more than 800 hectares of large crops and, for more than 8 years, has been collaborating with Agricover Distribution SA and Agricover Credit IFN.

Amino Start

AMINO START is a product based on free amino acids of plant origin and polysaccharides, which are used to improve the vegetative growth of crops during periods of in spring.

Amino Start Biostimulator

Agricover's AMINO START Biostimulator is a product based on free amino acids to improve the vegetative growth of crops.

Amino Bor

AMINO BOR is a biostimulator based on free amino acids of plant origin and boron in the form of ethanolamine.

Amino Bor Biostimulator

AMINO BOR from Agricover is a biostimulator based on free amino acids of plant origin and boron in the form of ethanolamine.

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 3_ 29.02.2024_ Convocare Agea

En Current Report No. 3_ 29.02.2024 _Egsm Convening

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 3_ 29.02.2024_ Convocare Agea

2024_En Current Report No. 3_ 29.02.2024 _Egsm Convening

Products And Technological Solutions - Spring 2024

Răsfoiește catalogul Agricover "Produse și soluții tehnologice Primăvară 2024" pentru a descoperi gama de inputuri premium, precum și noutățile din domeniu.

Catalog Produse Și Soluții Tehnologice Pomi Fructiferi Și Viță De Vie 2024

Ro Raport Curent Nr. 4_28.03.2024_Convocare Agoa-Agea

En Current Report No. 4_28.03.2024_Convening The Gms

Strong Results For Agricover In 2023 And Over 10,000 Farmers In The Portfolio

Bucharest, March 29, 2024 - Agricover Group, leader in the agribusiness market in Romania, recorded at the end of 2023, a gross value of 2.91 billion lei loans and advances granted to customers in balance and 1.85 billion lei revenues from the sale of agricultural inputs (certified seeds, crop protection products, crop nutrition products and fuels).

Test - Rsport Curent

Ion Uzum, About Agricover Products Applied In Wheat Crop

Healthy crops give good yields and profit at the end of the agricultural year. It's a principle that Ion Uzum, a farmer from Neudorf, Arad county, also follows. He turned to Agricover's specialists to help him grow a beautiful wheat field. The treatments applied have solved all the problems.

Cătălin Rancu Was Able To Quickly See The Effects Of Applying Agricover Products In The Oilseed Rape Crop

Nasta Trans is a company that works about 2,800 hectares in Arad county, more precisely in Aluniș. On 2,000 hectares, they grow cereals and oilseed rape year after year, and sow maize and sunflowers on the rest in spring.

Doru Stanciu Shows Us The Effect Of Agricover Treatment Scheme In Maize Crop

Here are two herbicides that have proven their effectiveness in maize crops! We are with Doru Stanciu, scientific researcher at the SCDA Secuieni Seed Production Laboratory, on a field where a maize crop is established.

Nicolae Popescu, Chief Engineer At Scda Braila, Turned To Agricover Experts For Recommendations

Due to atypical weather conditions, with a cold spring and poor rainfall, crops need a customised treatment scheme, adapted to current needs, explains Nicolae Popescu, chief engineer at SCDA Brăila, who turned to Agricover's agronomic experts for recommendations.

Nelu Marin - Oilseed Rape Soil Where Agricover Treatment Scheme Was Applied

Nelu Marin, Agricover's technical representative in the eastern part of the country, is in Măicănești, Vrancea County, in a rape field where Agricover's treatment scheme has been applied.

Cosmin Stana - Growing Healthy Oilseed Rape With Agricover Products

At the Mădăraș farm in Satu Mare county, rapeseed production last year was 3.5 to/ha. This is the result of the products used, recommended by Agricover agronomists.

Sebastian Vatamanu, Scda Lovrin Engineer, Has Obtained A Very Healthy Sunflower Crop

Vatamanu Sebastian, an engineer at SCDA Lovrin (Timis county), has obtained a very healthy crop of sunflowers, with beautiful, well-formed caladiums and large, full seeds.

Szabo Zoltan Recommends Agricover Products For A Healthy And Profitable Crop

Szabo Zoltan, administrator of Agricola Pădureni Chișineu-Criș, asked Agricover's specialists for support to ensure a healthy and profitable maize crop.

Ion Marian, Partner Farmer, Recommends Fornet, Osorno And Aminozinc Products

Ion Marin has been working with the Agricover team for 10 years and is satisfied with the quality of the products, the promptness of deliveries and the technical support provided by Agricover agronomists.

Badea Mădălina, Agronomist Engineer At Agrodan Inter Căzănești, Recommends The Kardax Package

Badea Mădălina, agronomist engineer at AgroDan Inter Căzănești (Ialomița), shows us the wheat field cultivated with the Katarina variety, which was treated with Kardax.

Mihai Tudor, Farmer From Giurgiu County, Recommends Agricover Products For Rapeseed Cultivation

Mihai Tudor, Administrator TGM SRL, from Valea Bujorului, has been collaborating with Agricover for six years, being satisfied with the products applied to the crops, the prompt delivery and the technical support offered by the Agricover agronomists.

Dji Agras T50 Drone

Cere acum o oferta pentru Drona agricola DJI Agras T50 pentru erbicidat! Un expert Agricover te va contacta in cel mai scurt timp

En Current Report No. 8_29.04.2024_Egsm Resolution

Amino Zinc

AMINO ZINC acts as a stimulator of plant growth, flowering, fruiting and as a corrector of zinc deficiencies.

AMINO ZINC acts as a stimulator of plant growth, flowering, fruiting and as a corrector of zinc deficiencies

Amino Zinc

AMINO ZINC acts as a stimulator of plant growth, flowering, fruiting and as a corrector of zinc deficiencies


Zetrola Erbicid de la Agricover.

Zetrola - Erbicid

Rexaris 25 WG is a classic, simple and effective pyrethroid insecticide approved for a diverse range of crops.

ZETROLA is a post-emergence herbicide used to control monocotyledonous annual and perennial weeds.

Element 5Ce

ELEMENT 5CE - Erbicid graminicid selectiv cu acțiune sistemică, pe bază de quizalofop-p-etil, pentru buruieni monocotiledonate.

ELEMENT 5CE - Erbicid graminicid selectiv cu acțiune sistemică, pe bază de quizalofop-p-etil, pentru buruieni monocotiledonate.

Element 5Ce - Erbicid

Agricover - Erbicid ELEMENT 5CE

Plonvit Borosulf

Rexaris 25 WG is a classic, simple and effective pyrethroid insecticide approved for a diverse range of crops.

Plonvit Borosulf Îngrășământ de la Agricover - Îngrășământ cristalin, solubil în apă, cu o concentraţie ridicată de bor și sulf.

Plonvit Borosulf Îngrășământ

Plonvit Borosulf Îngrășământ de la Agricover.

Business Analyst -Ifn 

Area Sales Manger Banat

Copy Of Contabil Senior

Reporting Specialist

Primseed Multi - Fertilizant Pentru Tratarea Semințelor

ELEMENT 5CE - Erbicid graminicid selectiv cu acțiune sistemică, pe bază de quizalofop-p-etil, pentru buruieni monocotiledonate.

Îngrășământ pentru tratamentul seminței la culturile de grâu, orz, porumb și floarea soarelui, pe bază de elemente esențiale

Primseed Multi

Agricover - PRIMSEED MULTI fertilizant de la Agricover.

Ofițer Activare Contracte

Resilience In Agricover's First-Half 2024 Results

Bucharest, August 26, 2024 - Agricover Group, one of the largest groups in Romanian agriculture, has published its financial results for the first half of 2024, reflecting the results of its strategy built around farmers' needs, bringing stability in a challenging year for the agricultural sector. The group continued its relationships with over 10,000 farmers who accessed the products and services offered through the group's three business segments- agri-finance, agribusiness and agri-tech.


Semințe Păioase

Sămânță pentru Cereale Păioase

Semințe Păioase Ofertă

ELEMENT 5CE - Erbicid graminicid selectiv cu acțiune sistemică, pe bază de quizalofop-p-etil, pentru buruieni monocotiledonate.

Îngrășământ pentru tratamentul seminței la culturile de grâu, orz, porumb și floarea soarelui, pe bază de elemente esențiale

Payroll Specialist - Temporary Contract

Drona Agricolă Dji Agras T25

Cere acum o oferta pentru Drona agricola DJI Agras T50 pentru erbicidat! Un expert Agricover te va contacta in cel mai scurt timp

Manager Zona - Regiunea Centru

Eveniment Anual Agricover | Numerotare Mese Conferinta Business

Eveniment Anual Agricover | Numerotare Mese Petrecere Final De An

Agricover Catalogs

Vezi Cataloagele Agricover! Alege Agricover si beneficiaza de solutii integrate pentru agricultura.
